The gallery has a very simple,
open form. Almost all of it is visible from the street through big
windows. Light comes from north, all walls are white. It makes an
airy, cold and clean athmosphere.
turquoise figure rests on 2 points at the floor, in a vertical
position very near to its point of balance. A third point at the
mezzanine concrete beam makes it stable, standing like a wedge
between the floor and the mezzanine beam.
I try to
touch the world. Rather by objects than by my hands.
The objects
do things I cannot do – bigger, clearer, and more open towards
people I do not know.
that is of importance can be shown without a word.
To take the
space in a way that recognizes its values. Doing it in a way that
seems to make a whole. That is a good feeling.
The whole
space, not the figure, is interesting. The figure may seem
autonomous. But that is an illusion.